Summer Sculpting – Bronze Horses and Bakeware

I’ve been busy this summer being a bronze sculptor…
and planning new cookie mold designs!

Just in case you wondered where I’ve been this summer… I occasionally sculpt things other than cookie molds 🙂


.My bronze sculpture of  Three Horses (above) will be at Art Essex Gallery in Essex, CT until September 21st, and at the National Arts Club, 15 Gramercy Park South, New York, NY from October 1-25th 2013.  Stop by and have a look if you’re in the area.


Now for a ZANDA PANDA update:

I’ll have two upcoming posts soon about a baker from Brazil and a Big Sister/dog bakery owner in Wisconsin that are baking wonderful things with ZANDA PANDA bakeware.  And perhaps a guest post on a wonderful vegan cookie mold dough recipe.

Also, I’m hoping to have some new cookie mold designs in time for the fall and winter holiday seasons.

Keep an eye out for updates, and (if you haven’t already) – sign up for ZANDA PANDA’s Favorite People E-mail List to get exclusive discounts this holiday season!

Thanks for reading!



Cookie Class at Create A Cook with ZANDA PANDA Molds

ZANDA PANDA Cookie Clas at Create a Cook

ZANDA PANDA Cookie Class at Create a Cook

I had a great time teaching a cookie making class at Create a Cook in Newton, MA.

It was on Earth Day, so I thought everyone would enjoy making butterfly cookies.  They loved using the butterfly molds, but I think the stoneware cookie molds were definitely their favorites.

Along with the butterflies, they made cats, bats, robots, unicorns, dragons, witches, knights, shields and castles..

ZANDA PANDA Cookie Class at Create a Cook

ZANDA PANDA Cookie Class at Create a Cook

A creative and delicious way to spend  a rainy Earth Day!


Photography by NIKO


Coming Soon! A Valentine’s Giveaway!

Check back soon for a Valentine’s Giveaway!

We’ll be giving away a Kaleidoscope Heart Mold for Valentine’s Day.
Visit again soon  for details!

ZANDA PANDA's Kaleidoscope Heart Mold for Cakes/Cookies/Chocolate/Crafts

ZANDA PANDA's Kaleidoscope Heart Mold for Cake/Cookies/Chocolate/Crafts